About Us
The Company is a Joint Venture with partnership of promoters will 30 years’ experience in the field of Industrial Filtration and Drying and a Leading Chemical Equipment Manufacturer in the country.
A Strategic Alliance to bring about an entity which caters to the major requirements 0f the Chemical Process Industry, from Reaction to Fitration/Drying/ Blending and Dry Powder Handling.

Quality Policy
The company is committed to develop, design and manufacture equipment and provide services of consistently uniform quality to customer requirements and execute projects on basis of on time deliveries at optimum costs.
Health, Safety and Environment Policy
The company in dedicated to effect manufacture of its systems in an environment that puts utmost importance forwards safety of the employees, providing protective gear for execution, clean green and healthy atmosphere at the work place, encourage suggestions and feedback from its constituents for continuous improvements. The company also strives to achieve global standards for its manufacturing practices.